
EXEDY Group's Sustainability Activities

Health and Safety Activities

Based on the policy "Our corporation cannot exist without safety", we promote activities to maintain and improve employee safety to achieve "zero accidents".

Cultivating Safe Workers

Safety First is our company policy. No matter what it is that we do, at the EXEDY Group we make our judgments with safety being the top priority.


社内講師による教育/巻込まれ体感機A safe worker possesses the following qualities:

  • A familiarity with all safety rules
  • An ability to predict when safety hazards will occur
  • A propensity to stop activities when something is either unsafe or acting irregularly

To enable our employees to carry out their work in the plants in absolute safety, and predict and prevent danger in advance, we offer training consisting of safety lectures and practical education in our safety dojo, a training room equipped with 17 simulators that were made based on accidents that actually occurred. Employees who pass this training are certified as a safe workers, and receive "Safe Worker Certificate". In 2018 this safety training for employees was held 43 times. We also get requests from outside the company to provide this highly valued training.

In addition, in 2018, we renewed the ‘working at heights training room’ to ensure that work at height is carried out safely.

Basic Life Support Training Course

Since 2012, first-aid instructors have been carrying out basic life support training courses and more than 1000 employees have participated in the course. We will continue promoting this activity in the future so that EXEDY employees can protect lives, not only at the company but also in daily life.

Risk Assessment Training

We have set up a risk committee to promote safety improvements in the workplace environment and are conducting activities to identify hazards in advance.

Accidents resulting in work leave frequency rate



















Accidents resulting in work leave frequency rate = Number of deaths and injuries due to occupational accidents ÷ total actual working hours × 1 million hours

Global Safety Summit

Once a year, we hold the EXEDY Global Safety Summit to raise safety awareness throughout the entire EXEDY Group, share cases of accidents of each company and conduct cross-check activities.

Global Safety Summit Global Safety Summit

Global Safety Instructor Training

Global Safety Instructor TrainingThree times a year we hold the Safety Instructor Training. We invite safety staff and plant managers from overseas affiliates and share company-wide safety and health activities. We provide English and Chinese language support.

Overseas Go-and-See Activities

Twice a year we carry out priority activities to prevent accidents at overseas bases, and provide general guidance on safety.

Various Training and Education

The EXEDY Group conducts training and education on a daily basis to prevent accidents and to minimize damage in case of an emergency.

Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills

Every year in March, we conduct a company-wide earthquake disaster drill, to develop an organization that is able to respond calmly and smoothly in case of an emergency. In the first part, we set up an in-house firefighting department and conducted firefighting and lifesaving activities. In the second part, we set up a disaster countermeasure department to train to collect information and report on the situation, and prepare plans to restart production.

Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills

Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills Company-wide Earthquake Disaster Drills

Fire Fighting Drills

In addition earthquake disaster drills, we regularly conduct firefighting drills for all new employees joining the company.

In-house Firefighting Team

We have established a self-defense fire brigade at domestic bases and sales offices. We carry out regular training such as table-top exercises and training with the portable pump. In addition, the fire prevention committee members participate in in-house seminars on fire prevention and disaster prevention knowledge, held twice a year, to solidify the basis of disaster prevention knowledge.

Evacuation Training at Affiliates (EXEDY Logistics)

Evacuation Training at Affiliates (EXEDY Logistics)We carry out actual evacuation training after confirming the location of emergency bells, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, operating the fire shutters, checking evacuation guidance lights (evacuation doors).

Traffic Safety Lectures

Traffic Safety LecturesAs part of our traffic safety education, we invite instructors from police stations and driving schools, and hold traffic safety workshops at the headquarters three times a year. Employees participate on a voluntary basis. Every time, over 200 employees participate and learn not only about driving a car, but also about rules that apply when riding a bicycle and safety protection when riding a motorcycle etc.