EXEDY Group's Sustainability Activities
Our CSR Approach
At the EXEDY Group we ensure that we raise the awareness of all employees regarding our CSR activities, and promote CSR as a "way for our employees to approach their work". After learning the basics during the new employee training, we acquire a wide range of ideas of CSR through regular reading sessions of the Code of Conduct and incorporate them in our everyday work.
The code for putting our CSR into practice
Code of Conduct (10 languages)
The EXEDY Code of Conduct is distributed to all employees, including employees of our affiliated companies with the aim of spreading the basic policies, action guidelines and business manners to each and every member of the EXEDY Group working across the globe. Our Code of Conduct was distributed to all employees worldwide.
The EXEDY Code of Conduct, first published in 1998 has been revised a total of 13 times, including the revision of the latest version issued on April 1, 2021, to respond to changes in various laws and regulations and changes in the social environment. Since 2013, we revise the Code of Conduct once a year so all employees can be informed on the latest information regarding our "EXEDY WAY" and "Midterm Consolidated Management Plan” showing our growth strategies.In 2014 we started the localization of the Code of Conduct and it is now available in the following ten languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese, Malay and Kannada.
In addition to the Corporate Philosophy, Midterm Consolidated Management Plan and basic policies, it contains basic rules regarding compliance and corporate ethics and business manner, and through reading sessions at each department employees gain a thorough understanding.
CSR Education
New Employee Training
Every year in April we carry out CSR training at our Headquarters and Ueno Division for all our new employees, including employees at our affiliated companies. Here our employees learn about the basics of CSR and the importance of adhering to the Code of Conduct.
Stratified Education
In our management training, newly appointed managers learn about managing their employees (labor management, power harassment training, mental health etc.) and subcontracting law to enable them to carry out fair transactions with cooperating companies. We teach the participants about the leadership needed to lead their subordinates and earn the trust of their stakeholders with the aim to develop them into leaders that are able to support the company.
CSR Policy
Basic Policy
We at EXEDY Group are contributing to sustainable development on both societal and global levels, which, through our corporate activities, we carry out at each of our business locations. To accomplish this, we, based on the subsequent ten items, will, irrespective of domestic or overseas location, act with a sense of social decency, as well as uphold all human rights, laws, and international rules.
Course of Action
1. Compliance: Fairness and Transparency
We will uphold a spirit of compliance with the laws of each country and region, and will conduct business recognizing that the fundamental rule for corporate activities is to ensure that competition is fair, transparent, and free.
2. Guaranteeing an Enjoyable Workplace Environment
Along with providing a rich and abundant life for our executives and employees and guaranteeing an enjoyable and safe workplace environment, we also offer a corporate climate that both respects the unique personalities of all of our employees and encourages their creativity.
3. The Provision and Development of Products and Services That Satisfy Society
We always ensure that the standard of the products and services that we provide are such that customers and consumers throughout the world feel the greatest level of satisfaction.
We act with an awareness that this is our social obligation.
4. Prompt Disclosure of Business Information
As we do with our stockholders, we will continue to communicate with society at large and release corporate information in a prompt, accurate, and fair manner.
5. Proactive Efforts Towards Environmental Problems
In order to help build a world where our societies and nature can coexist, we will pursue our corporate philosophy of creation of fulfillment, and we will endeavor to be environmentally friendly in all aspects of our corporate activities.
6. Activities Aimed at Contributing to Society
As an exceptional corporate citizen, we will place emphasis on our relationships with local communities and conduct activities that contribute to these societies.
7. Our Countermeasures Towards Organized Crime
We resolutely assume countermeasures to organized crime syndicates that threaten the order and safety of civilian societies.
8. Being a Global Enterprise
As a global enterprise that has overseas facilities, we respect the cultures and traditions of each and every nation, and we pledge to contribute to the development of the regions and countries that these facilities are located in.
9. Business Ethics
Our top levels of management will lead by example, do their utmost to manifest the spirit found within our code of conduct, maintain our corporate structure, and strive to thoroughly apply our business ethics.
10. Resolving Problems
In the worst case scenario, if a violation of our conduct standards were to occur, our top levels of management would declare, both internally and externally, their stance on resolving the problem, would inquire into the causes of the violation, and would do all that they could to prevent a recurrence of that violation.
Furthermore, we will execute our responsibility of explaining and disclosing this information to society in an accurate and prompt manner, and, upon determining who was responsible, we will punish them without bias.